Who Am I?

I was introduced to Lions by my late father, Lion Dick Crooke, who was a member of the West Berkeley (California) Lions Club. I remember spending many hours in my childhood at Lions Club service projects, events, and conventions with my family. At one convention, I even saw my police officer dad dressed up as a beer can, along with the rest of his club!

The service and fellowship of Lions made an impression on me at a very early age, so when I was invited to join the Carmel Host Lions in 1996, I accepted without a moment’s hesitation!

Passionate About Service

Service lies at the heart of Lionism. It is the reason our Association exists. Everything we do serves to improve the lives of our communities and those in need. Whether it’s a fundraiser to support charitable activities or a roll-up-your-sleeves hands-on service project, our service has been uniting us and changing the world since 1917.

photo credit: Lion Lori Inouye-Yamashita (District 50)

Growing Better Leaders

After several years of local service in the Carmel Host and Salinas Host Lions Clubs in California, I was asked to serve in district leadership. There I began to understand the importance of preparing our leaders to provide effective leadership to our local clubs and their members.

After serving a term as Council Chair, my service has largely been focused on leadership development and training within our Multiple District 4 and our Association. Training is the cornerstone of effective leadership and effective leadership is a key element to a strong Association.

Bringing It All Together

I wish to serve as an International Director of Lions International so I can bring my years of experience listening to leaders and Lions at all levels of the organization to the International Board as it supports the current mission and activities of our districts and clubs, and envisions the future of our Association.

Should I have the honor of being elected by the delegates at LionsCon 2024 in Melbourne, I look forward to two years of hard work visiting as many clubs and districts as I can, carrying the message of the International President and listening to my fellow Lions of all stripes to carry their concerns and vision back to the International Board and Officers. Simply put, I will be YOUR voice at the table, if you allow me.

What Others Say About Liz

Liz has spent nearly 30 years developing personal relationships with Lions across Multiple District 4, Constitutional Area 1 and around the world. Some of these Lions have been mentors, others have been students, and many have volunteered alongside her in hands-on service to the community. Most importantly, they have become friends. Here’s what some of them have to say about her.

I’m so excited,
and I just can’t hide it

I’m about to lose control,
and I think I like it

I’m so excited,
and I just can’t hide it

And I know, I know,
I know, I know

I know we want Liz!

Milpitas Executive Lions Club (4-C6)

Validation that you have made a difference is when an unexpected but significant compliment is conveyed. This happened during PID Ken Ibarra’s intro remarks at the District 4-C6 installation wherein he said that “PCC Liz Crooke is my mentor”. She is a proven mentor of future International officers!

LIon Larry Hidalgo, PDG
S.J. Scales of Justice Lions Club (4-C6)

I have been a Lion since 1981 and have interfaced with Lion Liz many times over the years. It is well known she is a leader. She possesses the character traits that have allowed her to rise in the ranks without ever leaving the interests of the Clubs behind. She understands the needs, the wants, and the everyday struggles as Club members unite to serve those in need. This is exactly the type of leadership that will benefit Lions Clubs International and those of us that serve.

lion Al knox
Cupertino DeAnza Lions Club (4-C6_

Vote for Liz 
LionsCon 2024 – Melbourne